Solving the fo:list-block Alignment Problem: A Step-by-Step Guide to Aligning Bottom
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Solving the fo:list-block Alignment Problem: A Step-by-Step Guide to Aligning Bottom

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Are you tired of struggling with the fo:list-block alignment problem in your XSL-FO formatting objects? Do you find yourself spending hours trying to align your list blocks to the bottom of the page, only to end up with a mess? Well, worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of aligning your fo:list-block elements to the bottom of the page with ease.

Understanding the fo:list-block Element

Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review the fo:list-block element. The fo:list-block element is a formatting object in XSL-FO that is used to create a block-level list. It is typically used to create lists, such as numbered lists, bulleted lists, or definition lists. The fo:list-block element is a powerful tool in XSL-FO, but it can be finicky when it comes to alignment.

The Alignment Problem

The fo:list-block alignment problem occurs when you try to align the list block to the bottom of the page. By default, the fo:list-block element is aligned to the top of the page, which can leave a lot of white space at the bottom of the page. This can be aesthetically unpleasing and can make your document look unprofessional.

Solving the Alignment Problem

So, how do you solve the fo:list-block alignment problem? The solution is surprisingly simple. You can align your fo:list-block element to the bottom of the page by using a combination of XSL-FO attributes and properties.

Step 1: Add the display-align Attribute

The first step in solving the alignment problem is to add the display-align attribute to your fo:list-block element. The display-align attribute is used to specify the alignment of the list block within its parent area. To align the list block to the bottom of the page, you need to set the display-align attribute to “after”.

<fo:list-block display-align="after">

Step 2: Add the height Attribute

The next step is to add the height attribute to your fo:list-block element. The height attribute is used to specify the height of the list block. To align the list block to the bottom of the page, you need to set the height attribute to “100%”. This will ensure that the list block takes up the full height of the page.

<fo:list-block display-align="after" height="100%">

Step 3: Add the margin attribute

The final step is to add the margin attribute to your fo:list-block element. The margin attribute is used to specify the margin around the list block. To align the list block to the bottom of the page, you need to set the margin attribute to “0px” for the bottom margin.

<fo:list-block display-align="after" height="100%" margin-bottom="0px">

Example Code

Here’s an example of the complete code that aligns a fo:list-block element to the bottom of the page:

<xsl:template name="list-block">
  <fo:list-block display-align="after" height="100%" margin-bottom="0px">
      <fo:list-item-label><xsl:value-of select="/list-item/label"/></fo:list-item-label>
        <xsl:value-of select="/list-item/body"/>

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While the solution outlined above should work in most cases, there are some common issues that you may encounter. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you resolve these issues:

Issue 1: List Block Not Aligning to Bottom

If the list block is not aligning to the bottom of the page, check that you have set the display-align attribute to “after” and the height attribute to “100%”. Also, make sure that you have set the margin attribute to “0px” for the bottom margin.

Issue 2: List Block Overlapping with Other Elements

If the list block is overlapping with other elements on the page, check that you have set the margin attribute to “0px” for the bottom margin. Also, make sure that you have set the padding attribute to “0px” for the bottom padding.

Issue 3: List Block Not Displaying Correctly in PDF Output

If the list block is not displaying correctly in the PDF output, check that you have set the format attribute to “xsl” in the fo:root element. Also, make sure that you have set the media-type attribute to “print” in the fo:page-sequence element.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to solve the fo:list-block alignment problem by aligning the list block to the bottom of the page using a combination of XSL-FO attributes and properties. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to create professional-looking documents with ease. Remember to troubleshoot common issues and adjust your code accordingly. Happy coding!

XSL-FO Attribute Description
display-align Specifies the alignment of the list block within its parent area.
height Specifies the height of the list block.
margin Specifies the margin around the list block.
  • Remember to set the display-align attribute to “after” to align the list block to the bottom of the page.
  • Set the height attribute to “100%” to ensure that the list block takes up the full height of the page.
  • Set the margin attribute to “0px” for the bottom margin to eliminate any white space at the bottom of the page.
  1. Check that you have set the format attribute to “xsl” in the fo:root element.
  2. Make sure that you have set the media-type attribute to “print” in the fo:page-sequence element.
  3. Verify that you have set the display-align attribute to “after” and the height attribute to “100%”.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble aligning your fo:list-block to the bottom? We’ve got you covered! Check out these commonly asked questions and their solutions to get your layout looking sharp.

Why does my fo:list-block refuse to align to the bottom of the page?

This is likely due to the fo:list-block being a block-level element, which by default takes up the full width of its parent container. To align it to the bottom, you’ll need to wrap it in a container element with a fixed height and set the list-block to `position: absolute; bottom: 0;`.

How do I make sure my fo:list-block doesn’t overlap with other elements on the page?

To prevent overlapping, add a `margin-bottom` or `padding-bottom` to the element above the list-block, with a value equal to the height of the list-block. Alternatively, you can use Flexbox or Grid to create a layout that automatically adjusts to the content.

What’s the best way to align multiple fo:list-blocks to the bottom of a container?

Use a container element with `display: flex;` and `flex-direction: column;`. Then, add `margin-top: auto;` to each list-block to push them to the bottom of the container. This way, you can easily align multiple list-blocks to the bottom without worrying about overlapping.

Can I use CSS Grid to align my fo:list-block to the bottom?

Yes! CSS Grid is a great way to achieve this. Create a grid container with `grid-template-rows: 1fr;` and add `justify-self: end;` to the list-block. This will push the list-block to the bottom of the grid container. You can also use `grid-auto-rows: 1fr;` to make the grid rows automatically adjust to the content.

Is there a way to align my fo:list-block to the bottom without using absolute positioning?

Yes, you can use relative positioning instead! Set `position: relative;` on the list-block and add `bottom: 0;` to move it to the bottom of its parent container. This method is useful when you need to keep the list-block in the document flow.